The SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO SPAFA) promotes professional competence, awareness and preservation of cultural heritage, in the fields of archaeology and fine arts in Southeast Asia. It is a regional centre constituted in 1985 from the SEAMEO Project in Archaeology and Fine Arts, which provided the acronym ‘SPAFA’. The Centre is part of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), an international organization dedicated to promoting co-operation in education, science and culture in Southeast Asia.
Our Ancestors Knew Best: Traditional Southeast Asian Textile Treatments and their Place in Modern Conservation
The work, data and research presented in this book are the results of a collaborative project between the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO SPAFA) and the Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles (QSMT), entitled “Capturing and Sharing Traditional Methods in Textile Preservation in Southeast Asia”.

December 31, 2019
Copyright (c) 2019 SEAMEO SPAFA